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Race Stats

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  • Top 10-


Attention Sales and Marketing Managers:

This letter is to introduce you to our racing team, Bellm Motorsports. We are a very competitive, family-run racing team that can help bring marketing exposure to your company through local and regional racing. Our driver, Kyle Bellm, at 30 years of age is widely recognized as one of the top up-and-coming drivers in the Southern Missouri area. Kyle began racing in late-1998 at age 8 and showed promise as a driver immediately! Be sure to look at Kyle's Stats page for all of his accomplishments!

In addition to his excellence on-track, Kyle is a graduate of Missouri State University where he received his bachelor's degree in Business and Marketing Management.

For 2018, Kyle intends on running a true “Outlaw” type schedule, dividing his efforts by racing events with the ASCS Warrior and Red River Regions, ASCS National tour, as well as making several appearances at Lake Ozark Speedway in Eldon, MO. Kyle hopes to improve on last years finishes where he had 5 wins, 17 top-fives, and 18 top-tens in 38 races.

We would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you in more detail concerning this exciting partnership opportunity.


David, Carrie, Kara, and Kyle Bellm

Marketing opportunities Bellm Motorsports offers:

  • Signage on Race Car and Trailer
  • Internet and Website Recognition
  • Personal Appearances of Driver and Race Car
  • Print Ad Information, Hero cards, T-shirts, Press Announcements, etc.
  • Ability to Use Team and Driver Name and Likeness in Your Business Marketing